An Early End

For several reasons, my run has finished here tonight. I was moving well, but slowing down, and unfortunately I need to set a limit on what I do this weekend. There’s an even bigger goal on the horizon….. 2021 Marji Gesick53.6 Miles (DNF)😊
2021 Marji Gesick

Two years ago I attempted this race. Over 100 miles of rugged trails in Michigan’s Upper Peninsula….. and I failed to complete it. I’m not as prepared or ready as I’d hoped to be, but this weekend I’ll try again. There’s a 28 hour cutoff to receive a finisher’s buckle this year, and a pretty […]
100% of Midland!

About three years ago I started on a project. A goal to run every single street in the city where I live. Using a website called Citystrides I’ve been systematically working towards covering every street in town….. all 879 of them. Main roads, subdivisions, down and back every cul-de-sac, it turned out to be quite […]
Pictures from the #RideSouth

During my #RideSouth (as you know) I posted daily updates to this site as well as my Matt’s Stupid Ideas page. These updates included stories from the road and a single image taken during that day’s travels. I saw all sorts of things as I pedaled, but the pictures I posted were mostly of simple, […]
Back Home Again

After many days, and many hundreds of miles, another adventure has come to an end. Last night I drove with my family the same route back into town that I had taken out on my bicycle just over two weeks ago. It’s good to be home. This was a journey that I will not soon […]
#RideSouth – Finished!!

Complete with a police escort, I made it to Grandma’s house. The #RideSouth is finished. Special thanks to Sgt. Campbell of the Haywood County Sheriff’s Department as well as all of you for your comments, messages, and support over the last week. I am truly without words. Total Distance: 812.5 miles#MattsStupidIdeas
#RideSouth – Day 7

I went to bed last night filled with worry about today. The weather forecast called for heavy rains and thunderstorms all morning for every area from Caryville to Knoxville. My body and my bike are both showing the damage and wear all these miles have done. I’m concerned about the failure of both. I left […]
#RideSouth – Day 6

I hit the road before sunrise this morning knowing that a good section of US Route 25 I’d be on had little or no shoulder. I was hoping to trade the insecurity of thick fog and darkness for the possibility of less traffic. My plan worked out well, and I was able to cover nearly […]
#RideSouth – Day 5

As I rode south on Route 11 I came across a cow that seemed out of place. I stopped on the side of the road to take a closer look, and sure enough he was on the wrong side of the fence. I took a gamble that its owner lived at the top a steep […]