It’s that time of year again….. time for Heather’s MIAAA Conference in Traverse City! For the second year in a row, while she makes the trip in the car, I rode my bike to meet her at the Grand Traverse Resort at the end of the day. I’m not going to lie, it’s a journey I look forward to.
The ability to carry a few more supplies on my bike allows me to be quite a bit more flexible in my route. Unlike when I #RunToBayshore, on this journey I’m able to plan a route through the middle of nowhere. Why? Because, while there’s really ‘nothing’ in that part of our state, at the same time there’s everything. I saw the biggest cow I’ve ever seen. I saw a pen full of sheep, protected by an actual sheep dog. I had the chance to sit and converse with no fewer than five people I would normally never have occasion to meet. All in places we otherwise speed right around.
Dont be afraid to take the road less traveled. I promise you’ll be glad you did ❤️
130.92 miles