
#RideSouth – Day 4

I’m finally out of Ohio!!

It took me three days, but I can now say that I have cycled completely across the state of Ohio from north to south. This morning’s ride opened with around 30 miles of the Little Miami Scenic Trail; the gradual slopes of the converted rail line smoothing out the steep hills I could see all around me. I knew that wouldn’t last forever though, and soon enough I was back out on those roads, climbing and descending as I made my way through the extreme southern part of the state. Altogether I climbed 2,369 feet today, and hit 35 mph at one point coming back down.

While today’s ride was in some ways easier, it was difficult in a different way. While I’m far away on this adventure, back home in Midland the Little League playoffs began, and I’m not there to see the opening round (Corbin’s team will actually play their first game tomorrow night due to a bye). The planning for a journey like this began many months ago, long before All Star teams or schedules were announced. And unfortunately, some family health concerns are coming into play as well. If this ride was going to happen, it needed to be now.

I once saw a documentary with Robert Ballard, Oceanographer and explorer who located the wreckage of the Titanic, where he was asked how his family felt about him being gone on his long expeditions. He replied (in so many words) that he hoped his kids saw a Father who chased his dreams rather than set them aside or deem them unimportant. He hoped they saw that as an inspiration to go after theirs as well.
It’s always a struggle when the things you are passionate about in life inevitably overlap, and you have to make a choice. I certainly don’t have all the answers, and what’s right for one family is not for the next. I just hope that in the long run, I’ve made the choices that are best for this one.

Day 4: 106.4 miles


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