#RideSouth – Day 5

As I rode south on Route 11 I came across a cow that seemed out of place. I stopped on the side of the road to take a closer look, and sure enough he was on the wrong side of the fence. I took a gamble that its owner lived at the top a steep […]

#RideSouth – Day 4

I’m finally out of Ohio!! It took me three days, but I can now say that I have cycled completely across the state of Ohio from north to south. This morning’s ride opened with around 30 miles of the Little Miami Scenic Trail; the gradual slopes of the converted rail line smoothing out the steep […]

#RideSouth – Day 3

Today was the first hard day. Despite nearly a full 8 hours of sleep, I woke up feeling tired. My legs (and backside) are feeling all those miles in the saddle. But I’m still moving forward. My ride began this morning with some of the most beautiful farmland I’ve ever seen. Fields as far as […]

#RideSouth – Day 2

Happy Independence Day from Flag City USA!! John B. Cooke, a resident of Findlay and member of the Sons of the American Revolution, saw a great importance in flying the American flag. He believed that every house in Findlay should fly the flag on Flag Day, and spearheaded a campaign (with help from the SAR, […]

Welcome to Ohio!

Good Morning from Ohio!! It’s been an interesting day already. I was very nearly shot by an old man in his 80’s trying pick off a squirrel from his bird feeder in the front yard with a pellet gun. Judging by the noise from the shrubbery to my left, he missed me by less then […]

#RideSouth – Day 1

This day was filled with so much uncertainty. I’ve done enough of these things on foot to know about how far I can go in a day, in most any conditions. I know how much I’ll need to carry, and when I’ll need to resupply. But for this adventure I’m not on foot. And everything […]

The Jersey

Before she passed away, my sister Sarah worked for the MS Society; one of the head organizers for all of their events in the greater Lexington, KY area. As you may have seen in other communities, the Bike MS events are one of the organization’s main fundraisers. In 2008 she visited Midland to help with […]


Waynesville, North Carolina. A small mountain town west of Asheville in the heart of the Great Smokies. As a kid we made countless trips down there to visit family. I can remember spending the entire day with my legs stuck to a vinyl seat; windows rolled all the way down, but providing no relief from […]

A Perfect Streak

As of 3:21am on Sunday morning, I now have the unique honor of being the only person to have finished the Lighthouse 100 Mile Run every single year. Each one of these buckles have countless stories behind them. Some of them fun, lighthearted memories, others tales of dark struggles in the late overnight hours. Miles […]