2023 #RunToBayshore – Day 1

Day 1 has come to an end in Clare this year, a decision I struggled with quite a bit. Those of you who followed my journey last year might remember a Day 1 filled with rain, and ending with a night spent in a Little League dugout 5 miles further up the road in Farwell. […]

Heading Out

See you in Traverse City!! 🙂 #RunToBayshoreTracking.MattsStupidIdeas.com

2023 #RunToBayshore


Somehow this view just never gets old for me. Besides, it’s sort of become a tradition at this point….. 🙂 Another adventure begins just one week from today! #RunToBayshoreTracking.MattsStupidIdeas.com

A Fork in the Road

When I set out on these longer training runs I seldom have a plan. I simply take of in some general direction, and when I come to a fork in the road well….. Not long after passing this particular fork I turned to run through a familiar neighborhood I hadn’t had the chance to visit […]

2023 Groundhog Marathon

On the second day of February each year, a loveable furry rodent comes out of his hole in Punxsutawney, PA to tell us all what the next six weeks of weather will hold. About that same time each year, another (arguably) even more important Groundhog centered event is held in Grand Rapids, MI….. the Groundhog […]

Episode #51

Do you enjoy podcasts about running?? Particularly those with questionable guests?!? Well then today is your lucky day! I recently had the chance to sit down with Lewis Hayden and Mitch Brouwer as a guest on their “I Don’t Know Running” podcast. We covered topics from how my fitness journey started, to some of the […]

Halloween 24 Hour #BlockParty

Sometimes my #StupidIdeas involve epic journeys across hundreds of miles and deep personal reflection. Sometimes it’s just running loops around the neighborhood with a few of my dumbest friends.This is the Halloween 24 Hour #BlockParty The idea is a simple one. A loop around my neighborhood about 9/10ths of a mile long. 24 hours. Run […]

2022 Marji Gesick 100 Mile – DNF

This race is hard. It’s designed to be. Over the history of the event there is an overall DNF (Did Not Finish) rate of 85%. Those who do make it to the finish line must do so in less than 28 hours in order to receive a Finisher’s Buckle. Last year there were two awarded. […]

2022 North Country 50 Mile Trail Run

Saturday morning, I ran the North Country 50 Mile Trail Run. Throughout the event I felt like I was moving well. I ran up hills I have walked up in years past. In fact, I ran nearly the entire time. Looking over the data from my watch only confirmed how I felt; I ran (vs […]