
2024 #TridgeToBridge240 – Day 2(a)

Around 2:30 this morning a steady rain began to fall – a condition that would remain nearly constant for the next twelve hours. My feet spent the day yesterday trapped in hot, sweat soaked shoes, and now found themselves in shoes that squished with every step. My progress north was slower than I would have liked, but consistent nonetheless.

No matter how gloomy the skies tried to make it however, the day was made infinitely brighter by the love we were shown on the course. Coolers set in driveways, chicken noodle soup from a minivan, and of course, Tammy & Sam’s oasis in Tawas. There’s so much about a run like this that will change your life, but it’s the people that make it unforgettable ❤️

Day 2(a) – 34.39 Miles


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