2022 #TridgeToBridge240 – Day 2/3

Up two hours before the sun, I checked my phone only to find that the forecast had changed….. and not in my favor. I was on the road by 5:30am, and roughly 90 minutes later the precipitation began. For the remainder of the morning I made my way up the road, cold and soaked by […]

2022 #TridgeToBridge240 – Day One

Many years ago now, as my birthday was approaching, my parents asked me to make a decision regarding a gift. They were well aware there was a fancy electronic device I had my eye on; I’m sure I had left no room for doubt regarding that fact. Also however, around the same time as my […]

The 2022 #TridgeToBridge240

What started as a #StupidIdea a little more than 4 years ago has turned into one of my favorite parts of the summer. Over the next four to five(?) days this group of regular people will make their way, un-crewed and un-aided, a little over 240 miles from Midland to Mackinaw City. The 3rd annual […]

2022 Bayshore Marathon

At 4:30am my alarm signaled the beginning of the final day of this adventure. After gathering my things I ran the remaining three miles from the state park to Traverse City Central High School for packet pick-up. Even though I’ve done this before, it’s a pretty special moment for me – after everything it’s taken […]

2022 #RunToBayshore – Day 3

I made it to Traverse City!!I would like to say an enormous thank you to these two amazing people, Brandon & Sarah Kern, for feeding me, sharing their campfire, and providing a place for me to sleep tonight. Now it’s time to rest up for the morning, only 26.2 miles of this adventure remain….. 😊 […]

Welcome to Cadillac!

Hello from Cadillac! A place where (currently)….. IT’S NOT RAINING!!! Unfortunately, it was well after noon today before the rain actually stopped and things dried up. Running wet for 36 hours has taken its toll on me; I’ve multiple places on my feet where the skin has peeled off. Some creative taping got me back […]

Field #3

As I stepped out of the Timeout Tavern in Clare, it began to rain again. During the time I spent inside enjoying a Coke and an order of Baked Macaroni & Cheese I had almost completely dried out from the miles before dinner. A quick check of the radar showed much more rain had arrived. […]

2022 #RunToBayshore

It’s about 1pm and the rain is just beginning. So am I. I’ll see you in Traverse City.🙂 Tracking.MattsStupidIdeas.com#RunToBayshore