
2022 #TridgeToBridge240 – Day 2/3

Up two hours before the sun, I checked my phone only to find that the forecast had changed….. and not in my favor. I was on the road by 5:30am, and roughly 90 minutes later the precipitation began. For the remainder of the morning I made my way up the road, cold and soaked by a steady rain. Every passing vehicle brought with it a wall of mist and grit from the road blown my way.

Some hours later, I noticed the rain had lessened some. While it was still falling, the rate had slowed. My situation, while admittedly miserable, had improved from what it had been – and I found myself feeling grateful for the way it was now. I had an appreciation for my environment not possible without having gone through what I had all morning.

Eventually the rain stopped altogether, and through the afternoon the clouds gave way to blue skies once again. Now it’s almost 11pm, and the sun has been replaced by an enormous moon over the water. After today, I felt like maybe it seemed even a little more beautiful, and the time I spent sitting on this beach taking it in was worth every moment.

Day 2 – 61.5 miles (and counting)


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