
#MeetMeInStLouis – Day 4

Today was a wonderful day. A slight shift in wind direction, combined with my needing to head mostly south, meant the never-ending gusts I fought all day yesterday helped me much of today. Yet despite covering ground so much more quickly, I was still on the road for nearly as long. This time however, it […]

#MeetMeInStLouis – Day 3

Heading south out of Michigan City, it didn’t take long at all before I was in another world completely. The never ending line of passing traffic had become a single car, or often farm implement, only every mile or so. The constant drone of tires on the pavement replaced by a symphony of cicadas. In […]

#MeetMeInStLouis – Day 2

When I went to bed last night, the forecast was calling for an 80-90% chance of thunderstorms most of the day. By the time I woke up, the large front moving through had dissipated (in my area) to a single small cell wrapping up as I was about to get my day started. While I […]

#MeetMeInStLouis – Day 1

It was late morning when stopped for a meal, ironically enough in St Louis, Michigan. Unfortunately none of the locally owned places I passed coming in to town were open just yet, so I resigned to breakfast burritos from McDonald’s. I leaned my bike against a window on the side of the building, next to […]


Though it was still fairly early in the afternoon, the sun was already much warmer than it had been the first two days of this year’s #RunToBayshore. Sitting sideways on a folding chair I found in front of the Sunoco station kept me mostly within the thin shadow cast by the building. As I drank […]

2024 Bayshore Marathon

2024 Bayshore MarathonOfficial Results:3:34:35 / 8:11 pace #RunToBayshore ❤️[📸 By Rudy Malmquist]

2024 #RunToBayshore – Day 3

Three days and 130.1 miles of running have brought me to this place, and these amazing people. Now all that remain are 26.2 miles in the morning….. ❤️ #RunToBayshore – Day 349.3 MilesTracking.MattsStupidIdeas.com

2024 #RunToBayshore – Day 2

Not long after sunrise, through a small break in the trees this scene caught my eye. Believe me when I say that the camera fails to even do it justice. The display was worth every extra moment I remained there taking it in. It also struck me that, during the time I stood on the […]

2024 #RunToBayshore – Day 1

As I was enjoying my wet burrito at the TimeOut Tavern, I knew it was time to finally make a decision I’d been putting off all week. Last year the choice was easy; temperatures in the upper 30’s make sleeping outside impossible without carrying a lot more gear, and a much larger pack. I rented […]
